Posted January 1, 2016

I've got one word for you... Payoff!

BY Geoffrey Karr

Success is not solely dependent upon the technology, folks. It's far more about what "payoff" the consumer receives once he/she downloads your mobile app and takes the time to read the QR code or digital watermark included in the printed content. This is what I've observed... "Oh boy, they've sent me to their website with the exact same article in front of me, only with type so small I couldn't read it even if I had Superman's X-ray vision."

What on earth gives us the idea this is a satisfying experience for the consumer? And, yet, too often that has been the "payoff" for their efforts.

Fortunately, this is changing. Now, we're at least sending them to related (not identical) content online, and it's optimized for mobile. Right? We can actually read it. And the consumer's response to this... "Yawn." We have a huge opportunity to transform the way consumers engage with print — especially newspapers and magazines that must reinvent themselves to survive. The technology is getting better and better. Smartphones continue to "fly off the shelves" into the hands of a growing number of consumers anxious to experience the mobile web. All of the pieces are coming together nicely for the transformative moment we will look back on with our grandchildren. But the biggest source of failure I continue to worry about is the payoff.

For those considering how to leverage opportunities with mobile in their business, do not discount the importance of resourcing the payoffs. You have the opportunity to engage your audiences like never before. You can deliver the means for them to respond and take immediate action on content they are interested in, like advertisements! Consider the value to advertisers when the consumer can actually complete a purchase on their phone at the moment of their pique interest.

Technology is a great enabler, and we certainly hope you will give digital watermarking a try. (Don't forget you can try it out for free!) But If you don't have adequate resources and enhanced content to ensure consumer payoffs that give them the information, assistance or entertainment they desire, the technology can perform perfectly and you will still be disappointed.